11:21 PM


I'm always excited to changes, watching my only daughter grow just makes me feel good and inspires me to be the best mom I can be.

I guess the best part of being a parent is to be with their children especially in their early years. When they are still so delicate, fragile and innocent. That's the time when you will feel so important and needed. It's sad when parents especially mothers, leave their children to look for better jobs. Their reason is to prepare them for a better future. Money and education are not the only means to secure their future. The important thing is full guidance and love. Guiding them to be the person they want to be. And guidance starts from the very day they were born. That's parents are made for.

By the way, my 3-yr-old unica hija will be in a nursery this school year. She is as excited as I am...and we are going shopping for some school supplies she will be needing. 'til next time.